Answer to Your Questions Monday 1/23/12 at 8am P/11am E (or get the recording)


Last minute Sally here. We had so many burning questions from the last few telejams that I decided on an impromptu live Q&A on Monday. That’s in 2 days.

Sign up here to join us live OR

post your question here or email it to us

and I’ll get all I can cram into 1 hour.

Sign up to get the recording–I promise to get through your question if I can and send you the recording, PRONTO.

Leave your question as a comment. Remember, I’m an integrative gynecologist. Nothing is off-topic or inappropriate! Fire away!


  1. Teresa on January 22, 2012 at 5:41 am

    Hi, Sara!

    Can you tell me ways I can support my thymus?

    Many thanks…
    Hugs and butterflies,

    ps – it was a suggestion from a medical intuitive. I have had a crohn’s diagnosis, which seems to be reasonably well controlled with diet and energy work, and connective tissue issues she attributed to other auto-immune issues. I’m in pretty great condition at the moment and want most to continue to feel good or even better.

  2. Claudia Skowronski on January 23, 2012 at 1:40 am

    Dear Dr. Sara,

    I heard your Thyroid Metabolism audio and I’m very worried about my Thyroid. My TSH is 7.22 and my Free T4 is 1.14. How can I low my TSH?

    Thank you


  3. CARRIE on January 23, 2012 at 2:23 am

    My family and I took your thyroid quiz and scored 46, 44, and 28. My daughter and I have had our thyroids tested regularly and always told we’re in the normal zone and even though they agree the systems clearly show problems, there must not be any. Yet we are clearly all suffering at a serious level. I also have a family history of thyroid problems. What can I do????

  4. Taylor on January 23, 2012 at 2:10 pm

    I’m 25 years old with Hashimotos. What are your thoughts on pregnenolone plus adrenal support for someone with high cortisol but have the symptoms of adrenal fatigue (fatigue, thin, low blood pressure, low pregesterone, and is on armour for thyroid? Do these seem safe to take…very sensitive to medication and supplements. Also how long can you take pregnenolone and should it be taken everyday?

  5. Jessica on January 23, 2012 at 2:13 pm

    What kind of protocol would someone need to be on to have a healthy pregnancy who has thyroid problem, low blood sugar/pressure, and high cortisol? And is this even recommended or too risky?