Prayer for Overwhelm
I want to shred the rad, but I’m a bit weary today. Need a little intervention, a dose of burn-out prevention. Not sure what flavor. Please renew my spirit and…
Vote Now: Monday Mystic
Just finished my sacral releases, in my nightgown, of course, ‘cuz it’s President’s Day. Need your help with a little something: there are so many mystics to choose from…
For Mamas Who Rock Business
More from Danielle Laporte, the woman who is most rockin‘ my world and getting me to move more authentically toward my true strengths in my work and home; that is,…
Dr. Sara's Book Club #2: Joshua Safran’s Free Spirit Will Make You Love Reading Again
I spend most of my time writing about what to eat, and how to move, and why deep breathing is so important. I want everyone to have the information they…
Bitch Slap Values That No Longer Serve
“Bitch slap” sounds violent, not a word a mom should use. So, of course, it’s just my type of word. Particularly for the musty, patriarchal beliefs that I stuffed into…
Shuffling My Roles
Was inspired by the luminous Kathleen Bloom of the Meditation Project to go a little nuts over Wordie, an online program for making word collages. Here’s one on my roles.…
Feelin' Testy (Testimonials, That Is)
Thought I’d post a few testimonials, since we women are famous for not seeing the bigger story to our story. Indulge me with a little shameless promotion since I’m short…
Rebecca Burgess Makes Me Happy – Clothes that Heal
Yesterday I joined mystic Rebecca Burgess and herbalist Cheryl Fromholzer as they pioneered the emerging yet ancient field (love that!) of medicinal dyes for our clothes in a local workshop entitled…
Breast Expert: Interview with Dr. Helayne Waldman
March is National Nutrition Month, so what better place to start than nutritional strategies for keeping your girls healthy? I chatted with Dr. Helayne Waldman, EdD, a professor at Bauman…