
Ditch Sugar Cravings with These 5 Strategies

By JJ Virgin | April 20, 2015

“I had done so well yesterday, but about 9 p.m. last night I walked into the kitchen and there they were,” a friend recently told me. “I intended to eat…

How Honest Are Your Conversations? Apply the Awareness Prescription Starting Today

By Sara Gottfried, MD | April 14, 2015

I’m delighted to introduce you to my friend and colleague Dr. Neha Sangwan. Years ago, Dr. Neha and I were both physicians, working side-by-side at a health maintenance organization—Dr. Neha…

Three Hormones That Block Your Weight Loss

By Sara Gottfried, MD | March 30, 2015

When it comes to weight loss, can you relate to any of the following? I follow all the rules, but I still can’t lose the weight. I’m just getting old…

Food Addiction (Part 2): Your Food Rehab Program

By Sara Gottfried, MD | March 27, 2015

Food addiction is when you eat for a change in your emotional, and keep eating in an obsessive way in the face of harm from it. I’ve written about my…

Woman Having Chronic Stress and Cannot Sleep

What Stress Does to Your Hormones, Plus 3 PROVEN Stress Management Strategies

By Sara Gottfried, MD | March 17, 2015

Nothing wrecks your hormones faster than unmanaged stress. However, stress in and of itself is not a bad thing. A healthy dose of stress can motivate you to high levels…

Detox, Retox, Detox: My #1 Recommendation to Upgrade Your Health

By Sara Gottfried, MD | March 13, 2015

One of the top questions I get asked is what I recommend to help the body fix itself, at a foundational level. Perhaps you are craving this knowledge, and want nothing…

5 Natural Tips for Feeling More Frisky

By Annmarie Gianni | March 9, 2015

Spring is just around the corner. Trees are budding, bird are nesting, and the days are getting longer. Sounds like a good time for romance and love, doesn’t it? Unfortunately,…

Body Dissatisfaction: Do You Have It? Novel Interruptions to the Pattern

By Sara Gottfried, MD | March 2, 2015

  There’s something terribly wrong with this statistic: 80% of women are unhappy with their body. I believe female body dissatisfaction is at epidemic levels, and it’s a top driver…

Ditch the Dairy

By Sara Gottfried, MD | February 26, 2015

There’s a monster in your milk that could set off a chain reactions of inflammation, hormone issues, and dietary malfunction in your body. [1] Are you bothered by any of…

The First Step to Your Cortisol Reset: Get Tested

By Sara Gottfried, MD | January 26, 2015

Here is one of the top questions I receive: “Dr. Sara, how should I test my cortisol? I think I may have adrenal fatigue (or adrenal burnout, or more accurately,…