
How to Get the Body and Life You Want With Ways to Reverse Cellular Aging Part 1

7 Ways to Reverse Cellular Aging and Get the Body and Life You Most Want – Part 1

By Sara Gottfried, MD | November 26, 2013

My soul brother, colleague, and Oriental Medical Doctor, Pedram Shojai, and I recently took on the topic of cellular aging and how to slow it down when life is too…

At home in your body

How to Shed Stress and Pounds With the Perfect Balance Diet – Dr. Sara's Book Club #5

By Sara Gottfried, MD | November 20, 2013

If there’s anything most women are in dire need of today, it’s balance. Luckily, this month’s book club read has you covered. You already know that a good diet is…

3 Steps to Live Longer, Love Better and Laugh Louder

3 Ways to Live Longer, Love Better and Laugh Louder

By Sara Gottfried, MD | November 16, 2013

We all want to live longer, love better, and laugh louder. This may seem easier said than done, but there are each of those goals without injecting more stress into…

How Hormone Metabolic Mayhem Could Be Whipping You Up a Muffin Top

How Your Hormones Could Be Whipping You Up a Muffintop

By Sara Gottfried, MD | November 14, 2013

Flush with anticipation about that big party tonight, you load some essentials into your black leather clutch and reach for that new pair of skinny jeans you specifically purchased for the…

Eating Habilts During Holiday Season

How to Eat, Drink & Be Mindful This Holiday Season

By Dr Susan Albers | November 12, 2013

Research out of Cornell University indicates we make, on average, more than 250 food decisions on any given day. During the holidays, this number skyrockets – from sugar cookies brought…

The Real Truth About Sugar (The Good, The Bad, The Substitutes) – And How To Break Out Of The Cravings Cycle Once And For All

By Sara Gottfried, MD | October 21, 2013

 By JJ Virgin A Note from Dr. Sara… If you have a sticky relationship with sugar (no pun intended), now is the time to take action and take back control…

Gluten & GMOs: The Hidden Health Hazards

By Sara Gottfried, MD | October 9, 2013

For nearly 2 decades, Big Food has relied on GMOs to make plants resistant to pests, to tolerate herbicides, to survive weather changes, and to increase crop yield. Big Food,…

Dr. Sara’s Book Club #4: EatQ by Susan Albers, PhD

By Sara Gottfried, MD | October 7, 2013

Do you love diet books? Read them for fun? I understand that most people just want to find ONE weight loss program that works and call it a day. But…

Thyroid Questionnaire

By Sara Gottfried, MD | September 30, 2013

I love this questionnaire from Dr. Hotze, another integrative physician. It gets to the heart of whether you should be tested for thyroid dysregulation, even if your conventional doc has…

Knitting as Mantra

By Sara Gottfried, MD | September 29, 2013

I cannot get enough knitting time. It’s my favorite meditation and I love the product. It’s therapeutically and aesthetically rocking my world right now. Why? I think Herb Benson, MD,…