
Organic GYN Goes to Portland for Baby Shower

By Sara Gottfried, MD | February 12, 2011

Been to an organic baby shower? Me neither!

Organic Socks Gone Wrong

By Sara Gottfried, MD | February 8, 2011

I’m one month deep into the Organic Experiment, and have been woefully underreporting my adventures. Apologies. Yet, I’m having many rich moments of bliss, and… well, many shrunken things. While…

Monday Mystic: Menopause Poem by Adair Lara

By Sara Gottfried, MD | January 31, 2011

Adair Lara is our Monday Mystic for Jan 31, 2011. She sent this phresh poem to me today (see below), and got me thinking I need to banish people-pleasing from…

Fried: Why You Burn Out by Joan Borysenko, PhD

By Sara Gottfried, MD | January 27, 2011

I’m loving Joan Borysenko’s new book, Fried… except I think I’m fried. I hate it when that happens. I immerse myself, write and teach what I most need to learn.

Beginnings of the Ends: Telomere Storytime

By Sara Gottfried, MD | January 26, 2011

I’ve been talking up telomeres a lot lately, which are emerging as the key biomarker of biological aging. Think you look younger than your chronological age? Here’s your marker: Telomeres…

Sake Bombs or Kale? Vacation Review

By Sara Gottfried, MD | January 18, 2011

At the risk of sounding insufferable, I have to share some thoughts on two side-by-side vacations. Let me preface our discussion with two disclosures:  I have adrenal dysregulation and two…

Madonna My Thyroid, Please

By Sara Gottfried, MD | January 13, 2011

One comment personal trainers hear daily from overweight, middle-aged women is: “I want Madonna arms.” It makes them want to shoot themselves. Actually, um, I want Madonna arms. While she…

Notes on an Organic Life, Week 2

By Sara Gottfried, MD | January 12, 2011

I’m 2 weeks into my organic experiment of wearing, eating and schmearing only organic. Frankly it’s been difficult: cold, my options are rather limited and it’s been expensive. Yet I…

Food Addiction = Disease: Stages & Consequences

By Sara Gottfried, MD | February 8, 2009

I’m going to draw heavily again from Kay Sheppard’s book on food addiction along with my professional and personal experience to lay out for you the stages and consequences of…