Fiber Is the New Sexy

What could be more sexy than a beautiful gut? All glistening and shiny, doing it’s job just right, not inflamed, not allergic, just all happy? Fiber takes you there: removes…

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Glee Over Ghee

  Today, I got a great question from a cleanser about why ghee is acceptable on the Gottfried Cleanse, but not butter. Here’s my answer. Short version: butter contains the…

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Is Gluten the New Evil?

  This week, I taught a webinar on “How Cleansing Alters Hormones and Brain.” Scroll down to watch a clip. While synthesizing the data, I read even more alarming statistics…

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Coffee Hijacks Thyroid Levels

Do you take thyroid medication? Judging from my integrative medicine practice, I believe we have an epidemic of underfunctioning thyroid on our hands. Most national organizations of endocrinologists have issued…

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