If you're a woman who leaps out of bed each morning ready to take on anything and everything the day can bring... A woman who maintains that level of energy & enthusiasm from sunrise to sunset and beyond... A woman who sails through the "afternoon slump" without a thought of a single shot of caffeine, joyfully accomplishing every task on her to-do list...

This message is NOT for you.

For the rest of us – hard working, mission-inspired, life-loving women wondering:
"Where did my mojo go, and how can I get it back?"

Consider this your initiation into the kind of Vital Energy you thought was long behind you.

A search + recovery team is on its way!

Mission: Ignition. Energy! The Live Course begins April 24th!

Join us and be initiated into the club where Secrets of a Harvard Gynecologist™ are revealed!

28-Days to get energized!

Mission: Ignition. Energy! will include a never-seen-before combo of evidence-based integrative modalities for adrenal toning and hormone balancing that will have you feeling like a super-shero in no time!

Do not delay reserving your spot! This is a live course personally directed by Dr. Sara and space is very limited!


Only $997
3 Installments of $367



"Adrenal insufficiency is the most common treatable hormonal imbalance in women. I believe that needs to change. Join me in changing it."

~Sara Gottfried, MD

Dear Woman on a Mission (seeking the energy to accomplish it),

If you’ve ever wondered, “Where did my energy go, and how can I get it back?" you do not want to miss your opportunity to join me for a rockin’ 4-weeks of live telejams/webinars, interactive Q & A coaching calls plus a private support portal where you and your Energy! seeking sisters can engage with me and each other to give and receice wisdom and support.

You’ll right your hormone levels and double your metabolism through safe, clinically proven practices you can do yourself from virtually anywhere in the world with my personal guidance. Plus it’s all recorded so if you miss a session or want to listen to a session multiple times – no problem. Enjoy all the calls at your leisure as many times as you like.

You’ll also have the option to receive within 8 weeks of our final live call the entire program neatly packaged into its full color binder – pdf transcripts of every call plus audio cd’s - the entire program!

Here’s how you can benefit:

Learn My Secrets!

I’ve scoured the literature and the world to bring you little-known esoteric practices, along with the big, dramatic, proven ways to boost metabolism and de-age. You can come to Berkeley to see me as a concierge patient for $10,000 to learn it all one-on-one (6-month waiting list), or you can shift from depleted to vital in 4 weeks, in 12+ hours with me, in a group setting for a substantially lower investment.

Boost Your Energy!

As a board-certified, Harvard-trained physician, not only do I believe that every woman can recover her full energy, I’ve made it my personal mission to show you how to boost it.

Discover Your Hormonal Clues!

Every woman is different, but in my concierge integrative medicine practice, I find that more than 70% of my clients have adrenal problems and it holds them back from optimal weight, resolving their thyroid symptoms and feelin’ it sexually.

Get Deep Support While Going Incognito!

You can participate fully and deeply without ever revealing your identity. We offer an optional and private Facebook page for you to post questions, interact with me and other amazing, like-minded women.

This program is a virtual “Search and Rescue” for your missing mojo, and an amazing team of complementary experts is joining me to ensure your success!

One professor of Sociology looked at my results from previous Mission Ignition programs and said this of the documented improvements Ignite-ors experience: 

“Dr. Sara produces a phenomenal transformation in her clients enrolled in Mission Ignition. Using quantitative survey techniques, we were able to demonstrate substantial increases in energy and reductions in depressed mood. Further, the data shows exceptionally high levels of satisfaction.”

~ Dr. Jeanne Hurlbert, PhD

Treat yourself to something rich, deep, invigorating, and juicy.
Here’s the schedule:

10 calls packed into 4 weeks and not a single dry lecture in the bunch - no, no, no. My teaching style is spicy, maybe a tiny bit irreverent and a whole lot of fun!

  • Jumpstart. Each week you get a JUMPSTART to hasten your results and help you focus (because adrenal depletion gives many women ADD!)

  • Mondays. Listen to an uncensored instructive module taught by me. I’ll dish out all the tips I know. 9am Pacific (noon Eastern).

  • Thursdays. This is my favorite part. Live Q & A with me. I’ll send a link to a forum so you can ask your questions before, during, and even after each call. Confidential, private, intimate. Get ON the call, even if you don’t have a question. It will ignite you. Noon Pacific (3pm Eastern). It’s like having your own 5-star energy concierge. [Note: Individual medical advice must be done by a doctor who has performed on you a complete history and physical; I will be providing health education and general information for your path to adrenal repair.]


  • Juicy interviews. Intimate and revealing with my favorite colleagues and hottest experts in their fields.

  • Resources. Because recommendations are worthless without resources ~ plus ~ I provide local options whenever possible.

  • Random extras. Because I love more than anything to teach you how to be successful.

Week 1. What’s stress got to do with it?

It’s so easy for stress to pull your hormone balance out of whack - and it all starts with your adrenals. Learn to recognize the signs of being off balance and nurture your adrenals like never before...

  • What stress really does to the female body (Hint: It’s not the "Fight or Flight" of men.)

  • Simple: Eat This, Not That guidelines that are easy to stick with.

  • Plus ~ Meditations scientifically proven to buffer stress.

Week 2. Get your energy train back on track.

We dive deeper this week.

  • Learn how to optimize your energy and feel good all the time so you stop living for the weekend or your next vacation.

  • Revealed, proven supplements for the adrenals because 90% of adrenal support supplements have never been adequately tested in humans.

  • Get that bounce back in your step with simple changes in how you move. No boring exercise. Promise.

  • Plus ~ How to dial in sleep so you actually get some, as Nature intended! Zzzzzzzzz...

Week 3. Extend the Warranty on Your Adrenals

  • Your genes: How to work with what you’ve got + the real promises of epigenetics. (Don't know what that is yet? you will!)

  • The secrets of your telomeres revealed and how to keep their frazzling (and your own) to a minimum.

  • The scientific case for contemplative practices plus my personal favorites.

  • Plus ~ How a bit of Shamanism added into your daily life, delivers higher-order energy management.

Week 4. Integration.

Integration: Bringin’ It All Together.

  • What does it really look like to release “working harder” in favor of “working smarter”.

  • Meet your personal “Charlie’s Angel’s”: Understand how your adrenals are BFF with your ovaries and your thyroid.

  • Plus ~ Continuous Adrenal Quality Improvement, the Dr. Sara way. (aka, ongoing, optimized, energy flow)


How this program is different.

You may or may not already know that energy and adrenal function is the biggest gap, between mainstream and alternative medicine. That means until now you had two options:

  1. Your local conventional doc who will stare at you, perplexed, when you ask what to do about low-grade fatigue and anxiety because in conventional medical training - and I can speak to this because I'm a Harvard educated, board-certified gynecologist - there are 2 states for an organ - it's either healthy or diseased. It's a very black and white way of perceiving the body and rigidly repeated at every level of conventional training! But the truth is that most of us live in the vast middle ground between vital and diseased. Most conventional docs completely disregard the middle ground and they disregard you in the process!

  2. Your local, or virtual, alternative practitioner who will push you towards bottle after bottle of supplements with names you can't pronounce, instruct you in tapping, give you special exercise regimens, or a series of chiropractic, acupuncture, or energy healing sessions, which on the surface appear to be the kind of “natural” solutions that makes sense, until you know the inconvenient truth of alternative medicine: most recommendations from well-meaning alternative practitioners have never passed a gold-standard double-blind placebo controlled trial and in some cases (especially supplements) there is so little regulation that you really don’t know what you might be getting, lead and mercury for example. that create far more problems than they solve.

I offer a third option, a middle ground, of data-driven, scientifically supported ways to nurture and repair and regenerate your adrenals:

The methods you’ll learn and apply in this program are safe, effective, and proven clinically, (note: and I’ve double/triple demonstrated them in my practice and in my own body), and they are all easy for you to do at home with my guidance, and I’ve got Harvard-tested data to prove it. You get the most up-to-date, cutting-edge solutions available to you now plus the numbers driven proof that it works and works safely that you deserve!

And as a special bonus: I’ve infused the program with fun because fun is motivating; fun is the lube on the wheels of life, and I don’t do anything without a healthy dose of it!

I know many of you crave more energy and vitality in your daily lives--you feel ok now but want to feel much more alive. I know how important that is for many of you and I've designed much of this program specifically with you in mind.

You may also be someone who’s already quite knowledgeable about accounting and managing the energy “do’s and don’ts”, and you want to open to the next level of vitality AND energy optimization, so you got the mojo to deliver on your sacred contract. I completely understand that intention and Mission Ignition: Energy! will hold that container for you in a deep, real and profound way because that’s my personal mission too!

I am passionate about sharing with women my secrets that respects the realities of your body right where it is and elevates what is natural and proven to work from woo-woo, wish-fulfillment to bonafide solution. Join our tribe–of ignited, turned-on women.

Begin your mission to re-ignite your adrenals...

... in a most juicy and vitalized way - like waking up from a nap on the beach. You know what you want. Let’s get her back. We’re committing to this together. I can’t wait!

Only $997 to reclaim your energetic, fun-loving she-ro, ready to embrace all the magic life has in store for you!

Only $997
3 Installments of $367



Plus these mojo-upgrading bonuses:

Bonus #1: If you choose to save with the Pay-in-Full option, you will also receive the complete home study program - compact disc recordings plus pdf’s – attractively contained in a full-color binder for easy reference anytime! We will even cover the shipping and handling! Value: $308 savings over waiting to order it after the course begins!


If you choose the 3-Pay Option and you may opt to receive the complete home study program - compact disc recordings plus pdf’s – attractively contained in a full-color binder for only $78 (includes shipping and handling too!) Value: $240 savings over waiting to order it after the course begins!

Bonus #2: 3-months FREE in the Get Vital, Stay Vital Inner Circle – Connect with Dr. Sara on live calls and in the secure, private Facebook group each and every month. Get your questions answered, stay up-to-date on the latest evidence-based, breakthroughs (you’ll be more current than your MD - promise!), get connected to your tribe of ignited, turned on women holding each other accountable to living vital life! Value: $291

Bonus #3: Dr. Sara’s e-book Dr Sara's Seven Proven Potions for Ageless Skin (No Matter Your Age). This is the little e-book that will turn everything you thought you knew about skin care right on it’s head! You’ll discover the real reason things begin to crinkle, wrinkle, bag and sag and what you can do to halt its progression. Value: $47 (plus the thousands you’ll save on super-premium-priced skin care products!)


My Mission and Commitment + Your Guarantee

My mission at the Gottfried Center and through SaraGottfriedMD.com, is to help women – like you – feel sexy, vital and balance from your cells to your soul. My commitment is to provide you with the most cutting edge, research proven and data driven methods for restoring hormonal and sacred balance to your body and your life.

Your no-frilly-stuff Guarantee: Dive into the entire first week of information for Mission: Ignition. Energy! And if you aren’t convinced this is the most comprehensive, unique and fun program you’ve ever experienced, just let us know, and we will issue a full refund.*

*This program is live, therefore refund requests must be received by midnight on Sunday, April 29th.

Simple. Proven. Guaranteed.

Because NOW is your time.



"Mission Ignition was exactly what I needed to get my pilot light going at full force. It's not just about sex drive; it's about optimizing vitality in every aspect of our lives. Dr. Gottfried gave us all the concrete data as well as the action plans to realize our goals. I can't recommend Mission Ignition and Dr. Gottfried highly enough. She integrates eastern and western medicine beautifully, as a teacher and practitioner."
~Emily Hooker


"If I could consult with only one person in the field of women’s health, unequivocally, I would choose Dr. Sara Gottfried. She blends together the best of integrative and conventional medicine in brilliant and individualized ways. Her whip-smart intelligence, Harvard training, and constant careful research bring us the latest and best in women’s health. Add her extraordinary care, not only for her clients but for Mother Earth (She is the quintessential green organic gynecologist.), and she leaves the rest of us in the dust. All of these exceptional qualities make her the best integrative gynecologist in the U.S. Having worked with such greats as Dr. Christiane Northrup, I do not give such a recommendation lightly. Dr. Sara is here to bring greatness to our health world; we are fortunate to be on the receiving end of her wonderful gifts and expertise."
~Rebecca Elia, MD


"Dr. Sara Gottfried's ability and willingness to utilize all that integrative medicine can offer has been a powerful catalyst for a fundamental shift in the quality of my life. She has used her creativity and training as a physician collaboratively with me every step of the way... as a result, at 54, I feel younger and healthier than I have in decades. From revitalized energy and stamina to the coveted verve that often quiets before we are ready, Dr. Gottfried's dedication to self-knowledge, understanding, and teaching of self-advocacy have helped me reclaim my edge... it is, to say the least, no less than glorious."
~Sara Carter


"Dr. Sara Gottfried MD is the most original voice in Women's Health today. Her brilliance, generous time spent to learn my story, incisive ability to analyze cutting-edge medical research and apply it directly to my issues, is unparalleled in today's hurry-up health care world. In comfortable, open, and easy girl-to-girl talk, we've uncovered how several of my perimenopausal issues with sleep are related to low estrogen and high cortisol, and she's corrected my breast tenderness - much to my sweetie's delight. She will help you stay dreamy and creamy as you age."
~Susan Harrow, Media Coach & author of Sell Yourself Without Selling Your Soul


Only $997
3 Installments of $367


©2012 Gottfried Center. All Rights Reserved. | Contact: Email | Fax: (888) 724-2443

Medical Disclaimer: Information on this web site is provided for informational purposes only. The information is a result of years of practice experience by the author. This information is not intended as a substitute for the advice provided by your physician or other healthcare professional or any information contained on or in any product label or packaging. Do not use the information on this web site for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease, or prescribing medication or other treatment. Always speak with your physician or other healthcare professional before taking any medication or nutritional, herbal or homeopathic supplement, or using any treatment for a health problem. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem, contact your health care provider promptly. Do not disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking professional advice because of something you have read on this web site. Information provided on this web site and the use of any products or services purchased from our web site by you DOES NOT create a doctor-patient relationship between you and any of the physicians affiliated with our web site. Information and statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

We respect your privacy. Your information is never shared with anyone. Ever.